Amanda's post here, inspired me to be open and honest about my Monday morning--It has been HARD. Sometimes my posts just show the fun activities we do and what we are learning together. I don't always share the hard mothering/parenting toddler stuff.
Well, I'm here to tell you that I am in the trenches of motherhood this Monday morning. It's just 10 a.m. and I'm thinking, "Isn't time for afternoon naps? Who's children are these?" Jack (14 months) has been screaming and throwing tantrums, despite my best discipline efforts...Anne (3 year) is constantly battling to get her way...It's hard. It's extremely hard.
I've resorted to putting Anne in front of movie. Jack will be going down for a morning nap soon. And, this mommy is going to be getting on the treadmill to listen to praise music and pray and cry to the Lord for some joy, refreshment, energy and wisdom.
Oh, sister. Have I had too many of those mornings in a row to count! We're all in the same boat. I'm realizing that I'm missing the joy in things and that makes it hard to get through each day when the going gets rough. In fact, I blogged about it last night. Lately, my bad days are far outnumbering the bad. Hang in there!
Posted by: Angie | March 23, 2009 at 01:12 PM
Hang in there... you can do it!
Posted by: angela | March 23, 2009 at 05:11 PM
There are definitely those days in which you want to pull out your hair! Age 3 was the hardest age with both my boys. Hang in there my friend. We are learning way more than they are. For me-dying to self. Seasons of joy and frustration. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Posted by: Earen | March 23, 2009 at 08:51 PM