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I wish I had this list a month ago! My daughter is Beth's age, and we are giving her a book a day during Advent. I would have liked to keep most of them Christmas focused, but I couldn't find many that I liked. Oh we'll, I'll save this away for next year!! :)


What age group are these for?
My boys are 7 1/2. I am trying to start a Christmas book collection that will grow for their age.
Thanks for sharing!

Kelvin Perrien

Janna, Do you remember when Mom and I brought this book home from a small bookstore in Sonora? The art is outstanding. It is also a great example of printing with the bronzing method. I have been dreaming of reproducing the cover as a display for the front lawn.


This is such a great list and is inspiring me to get a few Christmas books for my boy. I hadn't even realized that we don't have a single one yet! Yikes!

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