« {My Psalm 71 Journey} Part 3: Asking for Help | Main | Beth turns 3! »


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Laura S

Thank you for sharing how Amazing God is!

Wonder Mom

God is SO GOOD!!! Why are we often "Slow Cildrdn at Play" when it comes to trusting him and asking him for help? I certainly know I have been- your continuing story just reminds me to go to him- no, RUN to him- when I need help!

Again, loving every word of this blog series...


thank you for sharing all of this. stumbled upon it today. what an encouragement for so many more who need to call out for help!


Just wonderful how that all worked out!

amy mclean

That is good news janna. I have been praying for you. So glad you are in new zealand and I hope the trip is amazing. Spent a day with your kiddos at the zoo. Super fun. I look forward to hearin g about the trip.

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