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Hi Janna,
I attended one of your craft classes about a year ago...anyway I have struggled with the same thing for years now. I am glad you are sharing your story because it helps not only you but others out there. Thank you for posting this one because once initially feeling well again, having a setback is such a hard feeling. And your friend Kelly is very wise because these very things we have to keep in check in order to keep balanced. It will be a lifelong struggle and balance, but you are right in saying Jesus is there with you. He is! Depression is not something we have done to ourselves but a very real thing that has come from living in a fallen world. Though going into the depths of darkness is so hard, Jesus is our light. He will never leave us. Amen! Praying you will continually be encouraged. thanks for sharing.


Janna, I have been following your stories and just have to say you are an amazing woman. Not just because you are so crafty and I love reading your blog, but also because you are sharing this little part of your life with others. This is real and you are a true believer showing how God can work in your life. Keep being real....and sharing your other talents too :)

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