Remember when I held SEW LOVELY sewing retreats? Well, I'm ramping up to offer them again--this time to young girls (ages 9 & up). It's in the form of a mother-daughter class/retreat and I have two different sessions, one in June and one in July.
Now moms, you do not need to know how to sew to come to this class. You don’t even have to pretend to be crafty. The main reason I am having you come is to bond with your lovely daughter (of course) and also to learn alongside her so that when you get home you both know enough to keeping sewing forward.
Here are the details. Please feel free to forward this to mother-daughters that might be interested.
First of all, SEW LOVELY is more than just a sewing class. I call it a retreat because along with the sewing class portion, there are sumptuous snacks and meals, vintage sewing decor, party favors, fellowship and more.
Yes, you do have to own a sewing machine to take this class. One of the greatest benefits of this class is I will teach you how to thread your needle, wind your bobbin and make a button hole using your machine. You will go home confident in how to make that machine hum. You can purchase a reasonable, quality machine at Wal-Mart or Amazon. My best suggestion for beginners is the Singer 2259 Tradition. This one is also a good beginner machine.
At my home in Arvada, Colorado.
Friday, June 19 (6:30-8:30 pm) & Saturday, June 20 (9 am-5 pm)
Friday, July 31 (6:30-8:30 pm) & Saturday, Aug. 1 (9 am-5 pm)
HOW MUCH IS IT? $250 per mother-daughter couple
Your daughter will walk away saying, “Why yes! I do sew.” She will also take home three completed projects, a binder with patterns and notes and the confidence to sew on her own. You will also get appetizer/dessert (Friday), and breakfast, lunch, and yummy snacks along the way (Saturday). Believe me, you won’t go away hungry.
Rice Pillow
Small Tote Bag
Half Apron
- Sharp sewing scissors or shears The pair that you have in your drawer, which you use to cut paper will NOT work.
- Box of pins I prefer this kind because they are longer (1 ½ inch) and the pearls make them easy to grab. Don’t worry about a pin cushion (Wink! Wink!).
- Seam ripper
- Sewing gauge
- Spool of white thread
- Sewing machine. Bring all bobbins, parts and instruction manual. Package of replacement needles for your sewing machine.
- Package of hand-sewing needles
- Tape measure
- Fabric for your three projects
TO REGISTER: Go to Space is limited. Submit the registration form and then you will receive an email to proceed with payment.
Hello! Our MOPS group would love to have you come and speak. We meet at Foothills Community Church in Arvada. I couldn't find your contact info- would you be willing to email me? Thank you!
Posted by: Melanie | June 19, 2015 at 03:55 PM
I just love your blog. What a great idea to offer this class. I am always looking for fun bonding moments with your kids like this. I wish I did this with my mom when I was younger. Feel free to visit my blog at
Thank you for sharing this. I will let some of my friends know.
Posted by: Marcie Norton | July 11, 2015 at 10:18 AM